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Something Big is Coming to Penguin!


About two months ago Penguin received it’s 7 Day MakeOver and everyone is very pleased with that.


See our other posts about this event.


But something even bigger is coming our way!


No it’s not the Dial Sporting Complex. That was the last big project for Penguin, being finished in the last 12 months.


The next big thing for Penguin will be the re-development of its footy oval.


The Council’s Master Plan has been more or less finalised and you can check it out on the Council’s website.


The development of the Master Plan is supposed to start very soon with the taking down of the fencing around the oval and other structures sitting on it.


Here is what it looks like right now –



Penguin Football Oval



The Master Plan shows this space being transformed into a mix of aesthetic layout of walk paths, cafes, restaurant, community facilities, low rise townhouses etc.


Our guests will be able to walk across King Edward Street (end of our driveway) and just follow the path through this space to the beach. They can choose to sit in the aesthetically designed spaces for relaxation (including fountains and water features), stop at a cafe, go to a new up market restaurant to take their kids to the new youth centre.


When will it be finished?


We don’t know – maybe over the next 2 years?


When its completed it will be another feather in Penguin’s cap and another reason for Tourists to stay a bit longer here.